News & Events


2020: Looking Back, Looking Ahead

The memories don’t have to end with graduation. Brotherhood is for life. Click “Read More” to see some pictures from Phi Delt Alumni events and highlights from past years as we look forward to adding to these memories in 2020!

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Alumni Updates

There’s still time to respond to our alumni updates survey if you have yet to share. Click “Read More” to share your updates.

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Let’s Get Together

Don’t miss the opportunity to connect with your Brothers in 2020! Click “Read More” for instructions on accessing information for all the Brothers who graduated from Ohio State in your class year. Make plans today to get back to Columbus for some fun with Brothers!

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What’s New With You, Brother?

It’s easy to lose touch with the people who matter most. In the wise words of Mary Schmich, “the older you get, the more you need the people who knew you when you were young.” Let your Brothers know what’s

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Now is the Time to Join the Ohio Zeta Honor Roll!

The holiday season is upon us, and there are only a few weeks left in 2019. To preserve the legacy of your time with Ohio Zeta, and to ensure future generations can have those same experiences, we call on you for help. Click “Read More” to see how you can give back to Ohio Zeta.

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Benefits of Ohio Zeta Brotherhood

Greek life is not only worth perpetuating but is a vital part of the American collegiate system which changes lives for the better. Click “Read More” to learn more about the benefits of Ohio Zeta, and how you can help to preserve its legacy of excellence! 

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