Read the archive Phi Delta Theta alumni and chapter news here. These stories are distributed to alumni monthly via our email newsletter.*

*Not getting our emails? Fill out our contact form with your email address and let us know we should add you to our alumni email list.

Hear from Phi Delta Theta: The Newest Edition of The Scroll

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Vital Stat Check In: See where the Ohio Zeta Chapter stands today! 

The vital stats of the Ohio Zeta Chapter are the core of everything we do. They keep us in touch with the health of our fraternity, muc

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Happy New Year, Brother! 


Happy New Year, Brother! Our wish for you in 2023 is for a year filled with happiness, peace, good health, and prosperity. As we continue to reflect on 2022, we must keep at the for front of our minds, the mission and objective of Phi Delta Theta, and the responsibility we have as alumni to the place that has

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Phi Delta Theta is thankful for you


With the giving season upon us we want to thank each of you for your commitment to fraternity. Whether it be through donations or time spent

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Why Brothers Give, in their own words


When alumni give, they are making a statement about their commitment to Phi Delta Theta and its impact. Everyone has their own WH

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Have You Given Back in The Last 5 Years?


Every year, Phi Delta Theta alumni show an enormous amount of support for the Ohio Zeta Chapter. This month, we’re breaking down our co

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The Benefits of Brotherhood


The true meaning of belonging to a fraternity can only be understood through experience, but there are also lifelong benefit...

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Don’t Miss this Year’s Honor Roll: Last Chance to Add Your Name


If there was ever a time that Phi Delta Theta could benefit from your support and a strong sh...

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Ohio State Homecoming 2021


As summer approaches and more vaccines are distributed, it’s time to stop dreaming about getting back to fun event...

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Alumni Update: Bob Laughhunn ’74


Thanks to Read More >

Alumni Profile: John Anderson ’63


We recently caught up with our very own John Anderson ’63 and had the chance...

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A Phi Delta Theta Love Story


Plenty of us had romantic flings back at Ohio State; some of us even discovered our other halves in part because of Phi Delta ...

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Donors by Decade


Thank you to each alumni brother who continues to support Phi Delta Theta! We have created a decade-by-decade breakdown of a...

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Fun Facts About Phi Delta Theta


Every fraternity thinks they have the best; the best Intramural sports team, the best-looking group of guys, the best parties, and...

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Alumni Profile: Phillip Cobb ’65


We recently caught up with our very own Phillip Cobb ’65 and had the chance to ask...

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2021 Phi Delta Theta Ohio State Alumni Event Calendar!


With vaccines being distributed, Ohio State Phi Delt alumni can’t wait to get back together in 2021! Are you planning any...

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Photo Flashback: Ohio Zeta in 1978


’70s brothers: get ready for a blast from the past. Check out this shot; doesn’t this 1978 Ohio State Phi Delt hangout l...

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Phi Delta Theta Ohio State Hijinks: read your brothers’ stories and share your own


What were the best nicknames you called your brothers? What do you remember about the top social event the year you graduated?...

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Chaper Eternal: Brother Patrick McGrath ’64


We recently learned of the passing of prominent Ohio Zeta Alum Patrick McGrath '64. Pat was also a judge and was very involved in House Corp for several y

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2021 is the Year of Connection


We look forward to continuing to connect you with your fellow Phi Delta Theta Ohio State alumni in 2021, but in order to do this we need your help. <...

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