Alumni Spotlight

Major Robert Anderson ’89 Learned Confidence and Leadership from Phi Delt

For Major Robert Anderson, the decision to join the Greek system at The Ohio State University was practical. “After the second quarter of my Freshman year at The Ohio State University I realized I needed to get more involved in campus activities. The Greeks I met in classes where interesting people and I got along with them very well. They recommended I participate in Spring Rush. Out of all the houses I visited I was offered three bids and accepted Phi Delta Theta because my values and beliefs aligned with the brothers of Ohio Zeta.”

Thank You Donors!

2017-18 Annual Giving Year

Thank you to all alumni donors who have already made their gift for the 2017-18 annual fund. As a reminder, the annual fund runs from September 1 through August 31 each year, and supports alumni communications and events, house renovations, and chapter resources on a yearly basis.

Why Do You Give to Phi Delt?

Some Thoughts On Why We Still Give

Ohio Zeta thanks all of the Brothers who have given to our organization in the past, as well as this year. Have you ever asked yourself why you give? Is it part of your charitable routine? Do you believe in affording the next generation of young men with the same experience you had with Ohio Zeta? Whatever the case, we thank you. Here are some reasons we collected from past surveys of other Phi Delta Theta members from various chapters around the country about why they have and continue to give back to our organization:

Share Your Memories

We know you have stories to tell, so what are you waiting for?

We often ask our members to share their stories and memories about their days with Phi Delt but with so MANY things to reminisce about, it is hard to decide what to share. That’s why we have come up with a short set of questions in this article, meant to help us remember some of our best stories and some of the things we learned and took away from our experience with Phi Delt.

Chapter Grand Update

L-R: Doug Smith ’67, Gary Colburn Aker ’66 and Niels Christiansen ’66 Niels E. Christiansen ’66 Brother Niels Christiansen ’66 entered Chapter Grand on December 7, 2017.    

National Update

NIC Bolsters Health and Safety Standards Nationwide

Despite no-hazing policies and other rules and regulations in place, no campus is safe from the fraternity-related injuries, deaths, and other tragedies that have dominated the headlines in recent years. In response, the North-American Interfraternity Council made some major announcements in 2017 regarding the need for improved safety and health measures for fraternities nationwide and their plan to address said needs.

Flashback Photos Needed

Your Ohio Zeta Brothers Want to See Your Old Pictures!

There is a reason you have kept that shoe box full of old pictures from your fraternity days under the bed all these years. Now is the time to pull that dusty old treasure chest out, fire up your scanner and let all of your brothers see and enjoy your personal archives. Going through old pictures is a great way to remember people and places you may have forgotten about and get back in touch with those whom you may want to reconnect.

6 Great Reasons to Renew Your Participation with Phi Delt This Year

Alumni Association Offers Plenty of Ways to Uphold Your Connections and Enhance Your Phi Delt Experience

In case you weren’t aware, we have an enhanced alumni program, which will is driven by frequent publication Eletters, mailers and our online community, We are counting on you to make our program a continued success.

Alumni Association Update

Ways to Get Involved and Our New Executive Board

Alumni Relations/Brotherhood Chair Larry Manalo met with the Housing Corporation the week of January 29th 2018 to start setting up and official donation process that will allow for tax deductible donations to be made with receipts of donations processed and sent. In the meantime, any optional donations may be sent to the house address at 1942 Iuka Avenue, with checks made out to Phi Delta Theta.

Suspension Update

Alumni events continue amidst suspension of Greek Life

Many of you are already aware of the suspension levied against fraternity life at Ohio State in light of the conduct cases that were pending for 11 of Ohio State’s 37 fraternities…