What did Phi Delt teach you about leadership?

We recently asked each of you to take a minute or two to take a brief survey about how Phi Delta Theta OSU made you the man you are today. We got some great answers, so thank you to those of you who participated! Here’s what your brothers had to say when asked “What did Phi Delt teach you about leadership?”

George Johnson ’56
“To be able to delegate and set an example.”

James McKnight ’72
“To whom much is given, much is expected. As an officer in PDT, I learned getting elected was the easy part—you had to deliver. By electing me to office, my brothers were counting on me to come through. Dealing with responsibility and meeting or exceeding expectations was the consequence.”

If you haven’t shared how PDT made you the man you are today, you can take our survey here or submit your answer in the Facebook comment box below.