Ohio Zeta Photo Flashback

Re-Visiting 1976 Phi Delta Theta

This month we are taking the photo time machine back to 1976 at Ohio State; a gallon of gas was $.59, “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest,” “Rocky” and “Taxi Driver” premiered in theaters , The Steelers won the Super Bowl, Elton John and The Bay City Rollers were all over the radio and Gerald Ford was in office…but where were YOU that year?

If your memory is having trouble re-booting, maybe this photo from Greek Week that year will help you locate some of those lost files. We’re sure that Ohio Zeta had some fun that year!

If you are one of the brothers in this picture and you have a great story or even more great pictures to share, please visit the website and go to the Submit Update page or send direct to our managing editor for consideration in a future newsletter. We want to hear from you!

Click on photo to enlarge