
Donors by Decade
Thank you to each alumni brother who continues to support Phi Delta Theta! We have created a decade-by-decade breakdown of all-time donors, and of the current giving year. The all-time donor chart includes any brother who has given back at some point since leaving campus. To see which decade is leading the pack in donations, click “READ MORE.”

Fun Facts About Phi Delta Theta
Every fraternity thinks they have the best; the best Intramural sports team, the best-looking group of guys, the best parties, and now, as alumni, the best stories to share. What are some fun facts you remember about Phi Delta Theta? Click “READ MORE” for some fun facts you may have forgotten, or didn’t even know, and learn how to submit your own!

Alumni Profile: Phillip Cobb ’65
We recently caught up with our very own Phillip Cobb ’65 and had the chance to ask him about his Phi Delt experience, and where life since Ohio State has taken him. Click “Read More” to see what he had to say, and to learn how to nominate an alum to become our next profile subject!

2021 Phi Delta Theta Ohio State Alumni Event Calendar!
With vaccines being distributed, Ohio State Phi Delt alumni can’t wait to get back together in 2021! Are you planning anything fun? Whether it’s a tailgate, a happy hour, or just another virtual reunion, click “Read More” to let us know so we can add it to our Alumni Events Calendar and announce it in an upcoming e-letter.

Photo Flashback: Ohio Zeta in 1978
’70s brothers: get ready for a blast from the past. Check out this shot; doesn’t this 1978 Ohio State Phi Delt hangout look radical? Were you there? Or do you have any great photos from your glory days to share? Click “Read More” for some fun trivia that’ll take you right back to 1978, and to learn how to share your pics.

Phi Delta Theta Ohio State Hijinks: read your brothers’ stories and share your own
What were the best nicknames you called your brothers? What do you remember about the top social event the year you graduated? Click “Read More” to see how other Ohio Zeta Chapter of Phi Delta Theta alumni answered these questions, and to find out how to answer them yourself!