Once a Phi Delt, Always a Phi Delt
Bill Koenig ’68 Reflects on the Strong Bond of Brotherhood
When Bill Koenig ’68 joined Ohio Zeta, one characteristic made him stand out among the rest of his pledge class—he was older than the others, starting school after serving three years in the Army. While all of his classmates from high school were seniors, Bill was just starting out as a freshman on campus. For Bill, it would have been easy to reunite with his classmates, as many of them were members of the Sigma Chi Chapter, but he decided to follow in his brother’s footsteps and join Phi Delta Theta.
Undergrads Stepping Up, Setting an Example on Campus
The last few years may have brought some challenges to our chapter, but we are happy to share that the undergrad chapter has made significant strides to overcome them.
Now, the undergrads are taking their commitment to each other as brothers seriously and are working hard to set an example for others across campus.
Here are just a few facts to prove it…
Connect with Phi Delts on LinkedIn
If you’re not using LinkedIn yet, it’s time for you to get linked!
The popular social media platform LinkedIn has emerged in recent years as one of the most powerful networking tools out there, and it’s the perfect way to connect with Phi Delta Theta brothers.
There are tons of ways to keep in touch with brothers and network professionally with them on LinkedIn. Do you know all of them?
Ohio Zeta Raises $3,500+ for ALS Association
Fight Night brought in over $3,500 for the ALS Association. Great job to our undergrads for such a successful event! Check out the highlight reel.
Jim Sauter ’99 Shares How Phi Delt Influenced His Life
From Creating Memories Together to Sharing Life Lessons
We recently asked alumni to share their Phi Delt story, and James Sauter ’99 had a lot to say. For him, there’s no shortage of good memories, like hiking the Grand Canyon and going to concerts with his brothers. There’s definitely no doubt in his mind that his Phi Delt years shaped his life.
Click below for a Q&A with Jim.
Kent Flaherty ’78: “Phi Delta Theta taught me to be a better person…”
Kent Flaherty ’78 chose Phi Delta Theta over a number of other fraternities thanks to a few high school friends that encouraged him to join. Of course, the chapter’s good reputation on campus had a hand in his decision as well. Looking back, Kent can’t deny that the experiences he had in the house truly shaped him into the man he is today, and now he pays tribute to those experiences by supporting the chapter when he’s able.
“Being a brother in Phi Delta Theta has taught me to be a better person in life’s long paths of events – whether they are good or bad,” he says.
Flashback to 1990
Share Your Own Priceless Photos
We recently found this photo of a few Phi Delts enjoying Greek Week in the 1990 edition of The Makio. Are you in this photo? Do you recognize anyone it in?
PDT Taught Patrick Hylant ’70 about “Business, Budgets, & Herding Cats”
Patrick Hylant ’70 is currently serving as Chairman at one of the nation’s largest privately held insurance brokers, Hylant, after turning over the CEO title in 2008. Though his degree in Insurance and Risk Management from Ohio State is what helped him build his career, he says his years as a Phi Delt had a hand in his success as well.
A Look at Ohio State’s Best New Recruits
Get Up to Speed on Who’s Who Before the Spring Game
Spring football is just around the corner! Sure, the real season may be months away, but it’s never too early to start thinking about getting together for food, fun, and football with tailgates at the Horseshoe.
Buckeyes fans are a loyal bunch. And for good reason. We have arguably the best football program in the country and some of the most passionate tailgates. Of course, you need not be a college football expert to enjoy your time in Columbus on a football weekend, but if you plan to attend the spring game, as well as games and tailgates this fall, now is the time to get up to speed on Ohio State’s newest players!
Help Us Grow Our Giving Thermometer
You’ve probably noticed the thermometer that we often publish to show our fundraising results. As you can see, the thermometer is still only at 42%, meaning we need 58 more donors to reach our goal. We need your help to keep growing our giving!
You’ll have an opportunity to make a gift by mail soon. Any day, you’ll be receiving a letter from us that includes our honor roll of donors. You can join your brothers on the honor roll by using the form and enclosed envelope to make your gift. Keep an eye out for your copy!