Alumni Association Update

Ways to Get Involved and Our New Executive Board

Alumni Relations/Brotherhood Chair Larry Manalo met with the Housing Corporation the week of January 29th 2018 to start setting up and official donation process that will allow for tax deductible donations to be made with receipts of donations processed and sent. In the meantime, any optional donations may be sent to the house address at 1942 Iuka Avenue, with checks made out to Phi Delta Theta.

Additionally, we would like to begin an Alumni/Active Chapter Relations Committee comprised of alumni who would like to become involved with Chapter activities that require alumni assistance. If you would like to help serve on this committee that I am looking to begin, please contact Larry Manalo at [email protected] or 412-552-8402.

We would also like to announce the members of our new Executive Board;



Peter Obi – [email protected]

Peter Crofut – [email protected]

Sean Van De Weghe – [email protected]

Philanthropy Chair
Sam Magee – [email protected]

Alumni Relations/Brotherhood Chair
Larry Manalo – [email protected]